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Magnús fra Rendborg – DK2009101081


M: Dalla frá Auðsholtshjáleigu – honorary prize for offsprings

F:  Kramsi frá Blesastöðum 1A

MF: Þór frá Prestsbakka

FF: Töfri frá Kjartansstöðum

BLUP index: 110


Conformation: 8,16

Rideability: 8,39

Total: 8,30


Location of the horse

Stald Almindingen

Almindingen 1

5953 Tranekær



How did you meet this horse?

Magnús is born and raised at our farm “Stutteri Rendborg”


Can you describe the character of this horse?

Magnús is a polite and well-behaved stallion with the perfect willingness. He has a lot of experience with shows, trips, competitions etc. and he is always cool and easy in all handling.


How long have you had Magnús?

Since he was born in 2009.


What is the most memorable moment together?

We have had many great moments with Magnús, one of them was when he in 2018 received 8,39 for ridden abilities, and the many times he has been doing great at competitions in both preliminaries and finals. But what is even more important, he has always been giving us great experiences in the daily training, whether it was on the beach, in the forest or on the track, Magnús is always fun to work with.


How is Magnús as a riding horse?

Magnús has many qualities as a riding horse, but what would describe him the best, is that he would walk through fire for you. On top of that, he is really well trained and knows most exercises. He has 5 well-separated gaits with nice movement through the body. He is really versatile, and could compete in either 4- or 5gait, pacetest and T1 or T2.


What is the highest score of the horse?

V1: 6,40 (finals: 6,53)

T.1: 6,33


What makes this horse so special?

His gentle and calm nature makes him a great companion, and it is hard not to like him. His great gaits are really easy and you can learn a lot from him.


What is Magnús best at?

With Magnús you are always guaranteed a great ride, it doesn´t matter if you are going for a ride in the forest or at a competition, Magnús will always do his best for you.


Why is it time for you to part?

It is with a heavy heart that Magnús is leaving Stutteri Rendborg, and we are only selling him because we have too many stallions and because most of our breeding is based on his mothers genes, so we can’t use him with our mares


Can you sketch the perfect owner for Magnús?

The perfect new owner for Magnús would be a rider who is looking for a well-educated horse who is ready to enter the tracks, or the forest, and who is always uncomplicated in all handling.


Price in euros

32.000euro plus VAT


Contact details

Stald Almindingen

Dennis Hedebo Johansen


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