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DE: Vega frá Kringlan DK2012200684

Vega frá Kringlan DK2012200684
F: Krummi frá Blesastödum 1A IS2000187812 (FIZO 8.53 )
M: Rakel frá Fjalli IS2001257634
FF: Kraflar frá Miðsitju IS1988158714 (FIZO 8.28)
MF: Roði frá Múla IS1992155490

Location of the horse
Klewerhaaf, 25485 Langeln, Langelner heidkaten 1 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

How did you meet this horse?
Vega came to me in Training at end of November 2020 when her owner decided to sell her. She is the cutest leisure horse and loves to tölt through the forest always in a clear-beated tölt.

What is the most memorable moment together?
Tölting through nature in every speed and always with a super clear beat in tölt. She is a horse that you can have so much fun with!

How is Vega as a riding horse?
Vega is just the perfect horse for an ”after-work ride”. She is the perfect horse to enjoy a ride with after a long day of work. She is a very positive forward-thinking with endless tölt. She is always super soft in the reins and wants to please the rider. Vega has four good balanced gaits with a high tempo range. Also, she is not afraid at all of anything.

What is the highest score of the horse?
Vega has not been shown at any competition so far.

What makes this horse so special?
Her beauty from inside and outside. Her look of an ice queen combined with her charming and sweet charakter. Also, her Perfect willingness what makes her a ”dream horse” to ride.

What is Vega best at?
Tölt is her favourite gait and she could do of all-day long.

Why is it time for you to part?
Vega is ready for her new owner to be the perfect leisure horse and she is ready for new tasks.

Can you sketch the perfect owner for Vega?
Vega is looking for a rider that loves to ride easily and forward through the forest and works on dressage in the arena as well as rides her on the oval track.

The price for Vega is €13.500

If you want to meet this horse, please contact her seller:
Beeke köpke
Telephone: 0176 20526226


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